wtorek, 17 lipca 2012

Nowy komentarz od Tarasy Kompozytowe z "Perkey5712@ymail.com"

Super! Wlasnie dostalem nowy komentarz:
od : Tarasy Kompozytowe (Perkey5712@ymail.com , )
spamujacego dla domeny: http://katalog.panstwa.org/110205,artykul,Taras-z-drewna-czy-kompozytu.html
o jakze wspanialej tresci:
Hello everybody . Great text. Last weekend I've read very good opinion about the White Building/Lea River Park written by Rowan Moore. Full text of that review is available in "Art and Design" section on The Guardian website. You can find the article here: http://www.guardian.co.uk/artanddesign/2012/jul/15/white-building-lea-river-park. In my opinion review can be interesting for everyone interested in architecture, design, etc.

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