poniedziałek, 16 lipca 2012

Nowy komentarz od Avril Shoffner z "Gremel74965@gmail.com"

Super! Wlasnie dostalem nowy komentarz:
od : Avril Shoffner (Gremel74965@gmail.com , )
spamujacego dla domeny: http://fiverr.com/madeye30
o jakze wspanialej tresci:
Hello Website Owner! Very nice blog you have here, I kinda like it! I noticed you were using Wordpress and I figure I'd share a tip with you. There's a plugin for Wordpress I use on my own websites that will help you boost your traffic significantly ! You can easily get a spot on the page 1 for your specific keywords ! Here is the link ... http://tiny.cc/4pxjhw ! If you need help with anything feel free to contact me ! Have a nice day !

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